Veggie time!


Today I do not cook. Feeling dizzy.
My neck feels shore and heavy.
Suspect: too many tempe goreng, banana fritters, bakwan, etc :)
As I said I don't feel to cook. I ask my kitchen crew to cook something fresh, and off course refreshing..
The choice is capcay soup. Capcay is simply stir fry veggies, like carrots, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower , and every thing veggie left in the fridge. Sometimes I call it "left over " soup... :) You can put every thing, and become one healthy food.


2   garlic
1   onion
salt and pepper
1 tsp sugar
3 cups of chicken stock
3 tsp vegetable oil
2 tsp oyster sauce

Veggies : anything you like. :) but do not forget to slice them ...
Protein : meat balls, prawn, chicken fillet or anything left in the fridge.


1.  in the big wok, stir fry the onion and garlic with hot vegetable oil until fragant
2. put the protein that you have prepared until tender, pour the  sauce and stock in.
3. Wait until simmering, then you put your "hard" veggie, i.e. carrots. until half cook. followed by other veggie. Do not over cook the veggies. Remember that the wok still keep the heat than cook the veggies.

and Viola!


  1. salam kenal dari malaysia...a very simple yet healthy menu..ur posting makes me hungry again...hehe :)


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