chicken satay... sate ayam

On Friday I have a big guests... my old friends from balikpapan.
I recall it almost 4 years that I have not met them. 
Now they have new chapter with their babies, kids, and also sizes..he..he..

I had planned to serves them a light lunch.... Thai delight will be suitable.
Tom Yum Gong Sup, Mango salad, chicken satay ( this not Thai I guess, well you have to improvise rite...),
fruity ice, and close by chocolate cake. The dessert was the heavy one.

The time was so short ... and the biggest regret was I did not take any Pic!
Gosh... the camera was ready and good to go. But the chit chat stories more interesting at that time..ha..ha.
Better be lucky next time....

But I still have chicken satay to grilled and eat in the fridge..Thanks GOD!
This chicken satay is quite different from mostly Indonesian chicken satay.
I put some sesame oil to spice it up.

LOOK! and you will amaze how simple and delicious this treats

YOU need:
1 chicken breast fillet, cut them into 1cm cubes
5 tablespoon      soy sauce
1 table spoon     sesame oil
5 table spoon     sweet soy sauce
2                        garlic   grind them
kaffir lime zest to fragrant
salt  to spice

1.  Marinate the chicken one night with all sauce mix
2.  Stick the chicken cubes to a bamboo stick.
3.  Grilled them with high heat , brush them with remaining sauce and margarine

And one thing that light me from regret was compliment from my old fellows! 


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